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For professional devs and small teams


20% off
per user/month
Generated descriptions and categorized topics for every PR
AI code review agent for clean & consistent code
Detects breaking changes in your APIs, endpoints and services
Ensures code consistency and duplications based on your existing code
Start 14 day trial


For large teams and enterprises

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Self-hosted instance
Bring you own AI keys
Dedicated support and SLAs
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What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit and debit cards. Payments are processed securely by Stripe, a PCI Level 1 certified provider. Your payment details never touch our servers.

Do you offer discounts for annual plans?

Yes, annual plans come with a 20% discount compared to monthly billing.

Is my code secure with Baz?

Yes. Baz Reviewer processes your code securely. We follow strict security practices, including encryption and limited data retention, to ensure your data remains safe.

Can I cancel my subscription anytime?

You can cancel or downgrade anytime. Your plan will remain active until the end of your billing cycle.

Your next PR
could be your best one.